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Hi guys, got the below message earlier, is there any way to turn off these alerts and make sure that I dont receive the alert below 

Hello AWS VPN Customer,

You're receiving this message because you have at least one VPN Connection in the eu-west-1 Region, for which your VPN Customer Gateway is not using both tunnels. This mode of operation is not recommended as you may experience connectivity issues if your active tunnel fails.

The VPN Connection(s) which do not currently have both tunnels established are:

VPN xxxx Number 

You can obtain the VPN Connection configuration recommendations for several types of VPN devices from the AWS Management Console [1]. On the "Amazon VPC" tab, select "VPN Connections". Then highlight the VPN Connection and choose "Download Configuration".

For Static VPNs, enabling both tunnels may lead to asymmetric routing, which will need to be permitted by your Customer Gateway Device. For configuration options, please refer to your vendor specific documentation.

This notice will be sent regularly until both tunnels are established. For assistance in establishing your second tunnel, or to opt-out of these notifications, please contact AWS Premium Support [2].


The AWS VPN Team
(18-06-2021, 11:06 AM)Rugbyfan Wrote: [ -> ]Hi guys, got the below message earlier, is there any way to turn off these alerts and make sure that I dont receive the alert below 

Did you mean you only wanted to stop getting alerted about this every time it happens or are you having issues deleting/finding this VPN connection to take action when you get alerted? Not sure if you have already found the solution though?